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Yahoo Group "EM-health" (Englisch)

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  • Yahoo Group "EM-health" (Englisch)

    Für alle diejenigen welche regelmässig in einer Diskussionsgruppe mitwirken möchten und dabei auf das Experten know-how von Vinny Pinto, einem Forscher von EM World USA zurückgreifen möchten, empfehle ich die Diskussionsgruppe "EM-health group" von Yahoo.

    Weitere Details wie auch den Direktlink findet ihr anbei:

    EM-health group at Yahoo Groups
    This discussion group is devoted to the use of Effective Microorganisms (EM or EM-1) in human and animal health, and related topics such as their use in agriculture to produce food of higher quality, sometimes known as "beyond-organic" or "uber-organic". There are already a number of EM fermented antioxidant nutritional supplements on the market, with more being developed every day. We welcome beginners, "consumer users" and also serious researchers. This list is moderated by Vinny Pinto, a researcher in fields of EM1 and nutritional antioxidants, and a peak health consultant/coach. Vinny is a scientist and health researcher who has devoted over 1,000 hours to research on EM and it's uses in health and healing, who has developed several human EM-fermented antioxidant nutritional supplements, and who networks with EM researchers around the world. Vinny also serves as a consultant for several nutritional supplement vendors who are bringing EM-fermented products to the marketplace.

    How this group got started: I have been a researcher in the EM world since late last year, and I have received feedback from a number of folks in the EM world that, while there are already three excellent e-mail list groups devoted to EM and varied uses (agricultural, industrial, waste management [EM-Ag] and white-gold/ormus [EM-ormus]), there is no one list group devoted primarily to EM and its usage in human and animal health, which is a rapidly developing and evolving field. While the live-foods list does have a number of members and posts devoted to health uses for EM, it still remains primarily a list group devoted to raw or partly-raw diets which include animal foods (aka Paleolithic or cavemen diets). Hence, a number of folks have asked me over the past few months if there is, or could be, a list group devoted primarily to EM and health uses. Therefore, I finally decided in August 2003 to start such a group at Yahoo Groups.

    Gruss Patrik
    Auf der Suche nach EM Produkten in der Schweiz?

    Der Mensch ist ein Teil der Natur und nicht etwas, das zu ihr im Widerspruch steht.

    Bertrand Russell (1872-1970), brit. Philosoph u. Mathematiker

  • #2
    AW: Yahoo Group "EM-health" (Englisch)

    Hallo Admin,
    The link you mentioned is broken any way I have visited also in Deutschland there are more website dealing with Effektive Mikroorganismen
    and Probiotike I hope this information is helpfull

